Have you ever read a book, loved it, and wanted to tell the author? Well, I have. But better yet, to actually meet the author in person and tell her directly? That’s me as well, but I never thought I would get the chance to meet a bestselling author, who has multiple books that I love.
It happened just last week. My family and I were at Bethany Beach in Delaware for the day and of course, I had to stop into the cutest little bookstore just off the boardwalk on the corner, Bethany Beach Books. One of the best bookstores I’ve been to, quaint, friendly, and wall-to-wall books. I was in my happy place. The sand, the sun, the surf, and books, what could be better than that? Just add chocolate and it could have been heaven, but I digress…
On this particular day, there was a stack of Ruth Ware, a British psychological thriller author, books by the front door. If you haven’t read any of her books before, I highly recommend doing so.
I could feel the anticipation in the air, it was release day for her new novel, Zero Days, and she was going to be there that evening signing copies.
I couldn’t believe my luck! I had to get her autograph. I purchased a ticket and returned in the evening. I wasn’t surprised to find the line wrapped around the building, but time flew by as I spoke to the people around me who were just as thrilled to be there as I was.
Ruth Ware did not disappoint. She was friendly, kind, and thankful that we had turned out for the signing and waited patiently in line to see her. The whole event had been so surreal for me. Not only was I getting an autographed copy of her new book on release day
but was able to meet the author herself and let her know how much I enjoyed her other books. It was a dream come true for this aspiring author to meet one of my all-time favorite authors.